Sunday, May 21, 2006

going bananas

There were four bananas on the tabletop.

And one of them was the one for me.

So how do I choose between four bananas?
Maybe I should take the one closest to the edge of the table.
Maybe I should take the one furthest away from my reach.
Maybe I should take the one with the least number of black spots.
Maybe I should take the one that wasn't really remarkable in any possible way.

Should I just close my eyes and pick one and leave it all to chance?
Should I just do what every one else does and take the one nearest to me?
Should I try to be different and take one of the others?
Or do most people try to be different and take one of the others and I'd really be different if I didn't try to be different and pick the one closest to me after all...?

Is this really as easy as everyone makes out?
My whole life might depend on which banana I pick as an after dinner snack.
Maybe this decision will affect all other decisions I make in my life.
And therefore I am, right now, at a crossroads. Four paths of life. And at the door of each is a single banana, each a miniscule bit different from the rest.

Maybe the banana second from the right has a deadly poisonous worm inside it from the deepest jungles of Africa and if I choose that I'll die instantly and go to heaven.

Maybe the next banana has a blessing laid upon it from God or whoever it is lays those blessings that whosoever eats this banana becomes the happiest rich guy in the world.

Maybe one has a curse saying I'll fail all the next seven exams I give in a row and pass the eighth one with flying colours.

Maybe the last banana is just an ordinary banana that won't change my life in any stupid way.

Maybe one banana would suit me and one wouldn't.
Maybe the one to the right would be too grainy for me.
Maybe the second from the left would be too sweet.
Maybe the first from the left would be just right but I would never know because I'd have eaten the third from the left which wasn't right at all.
Or maybe all of them would suit me equally well.

How can you tell with bananas? They're all wrapped up inside skins where you can't see them.
You can't even sample one and then leave it and try the other. Because once you choose, you've chosen and you're banana sticks with you for better or for worse.

I gave up. And I walked away from the table. Maybe I'd come back later and choose my banana.
Or maybe I'd let other people take away the bananas till there was only one left and that would be the one for me and it wouldn't be my fault if my banana didn't suit me because I had no other choice.

The trouble with careers is, you can't do that.


Anonymous said...

hmmm .. do I know where this is coming from ??? :)
- Samriddhi

Rajasee Ray said...

oh yes you do.....:(

googly said...

Eat up all the bananas.

googly said...

look at my new photo!

Mind Mapping said...

Or do most people try to be different and take one of the others and I'd really be different if I didn't try to be different and pick the one closest to me after all...?

this is so true...

Mind Mapping said...

oh....take all the bananas,squash them and play with the pulp.

Xiamaze said...

my life is already lot complicated without you crazy ppl making it more complicated.....oh god....bananas...bananas..hahahaha...bananas....
do u think i shud go see a therapist or somethin.

Crizzie Criz! said...

hey aarshi,
Thats a sweet post if i have ever seen one.
I have never seen someone express so softly the trouble of having to choose and not knowing how to do it. You are quite good at what you do.
Dont go nuts over bananas you might face and dont go bananas over nuts you might possibly come across.
Thats the secret to long life, and prosperity, hehe. Keep posting, will check in once in a while for more.

P.S - Thanks for the comment on my lil space. And yes, the picture was indeed the cover of NG magazine. Couldnt settle for anything less for one of the happiest moments of my life, hehe.

Anonymous said...

trust you to symbolise destiny and choice with bananas. somehow.. in a way.. right?

the [R]etard said...

i agree with googly... bananas are yum anyway... but maybe i'll just go with an apple or somethin instead...

Rajasee Ray said...

i don't feel like eating all of them... i just want one.

anyway, banana, destiny, what does it matter? choices are choices, whatever you make of them and whichever way you want to look at them from.

this is the way i let my steam off... through metaphors...

so im not gonna shut up any more than you are, rupsha.

p.s. therapists do a good job, even if you didnt need them after all.

Anonymous said...

i want chocolate chip ice cream right now.


googly said...

Sucks to you, jahnavi didi. My friends came yesterday and I had four cups of chocolate chip ice-cream.

Anonymous said...

you evil freckly frog.

Mind Mapping said...

i hav plum with star anise.
sounds fancy no? tastes good also

ziana said...

to hell with it...choose any goddamn one and give me the rest... on a serious note..iam surprised at how such confusing thoughts are so clear in ure mind..aarshi you rock!!