Sunday, March 07, 2010

prison paintings

hack. hack. hack.

they're called fixed dimensions.

you can't hack. hack. hack.

into the insides of this skull and make it bigger.

and i've been dying to get out.

i'm brilliant at this.

spraying the grey matter with coloured swirls of chaotic imagery.

i've always been brilliant at this.

running around the insides of this brain with my paintbrush of emotive visions.

creativity. i'm a genius.

but a genius gets bored

with fixed dimensions.

hack. hack. hack.

there's not room enough for me within bone and scalp.

there's not room enough for me within tight walled in stories of beautiful colours and images.

Ugly. bright. bright. ugly. beautiful.

No. Not enough room.

There's a way out.

Hack. Hack. Hack.

And I've carved another one.

Layers and layers of breathtaking sculptures in this skull.

A gallery of the most beautiful images you've ever imagined.

This brain's ever imagined.

All me.

And all spaced

Within fixed dimensions.

Hack. Hack. Hack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
